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Art by Mike Norton and Rochelle Rosenberg. Wanna buy the original? I don’t see it listed online!
In which Jay and Miles from X-plain the X-men are called in to discuss Joshua Williamson’s What If Infinity: X-men is a bit like Firefly, there are universes X-men who were also Avengers reunite, DC Earth designations are like trade numbering, Cannonballs Not Actually X-men are a weird group, Sunspot and Cannonball have a weird wifeswap, picking family over team, the Power of Friendship saves the day, the villain is ill-defined, and the X-men are dead – JUST LIKE YOU. Also questions from listeners like you (or maybe you?)!
- Podcast genealogy
- Over-reading for Infinity understanding
- Al Ewing, cereal writer
- Shuma-Gorath
- X-men Avengers/Avenger X-men
- Jay was never an Avenger
- Marvel Wikia TRNs
- Universal Numbering System
- Old Man Logan: 90210
- All New Numbering
- Xavier vs The Illusive Man
- Hugging Norman Osborn
- Weird Emma Frost Dreams
- Cute Trainspotting
- X-men as a Roleplaying Game
- Spaceship Horseplay
- Sympathetic Wendigos!
- Strict Utilitarianism
- Grizzled Guthrie
- Haircuts by M
- Hairsuits or Skinsuits
- The All New Space X-men
- Who gets eaten/gets to breed
- Tahani is Monet
- Chuck Austen’s Magik
- Batman/Hellboy/Starman/Disappointment
- The Doom Factor
- Space X-men Team Pitches
- Luke needs to see MOON
- X-men in Space Vs X-men vs Magic
- Sorcerer Supreme Peter Corbeau
- Stardust the Super Wizard
- Why JJJ doesn’t hate mutants
- Columbus Podcast Festival
Next Episode: Katherine Pryde and Age of Apocalypse Sabretooth fight Hydra Wolverine!
Live show update! Luke will be performing at Columbus Podcast Festival! You should buy tickets!
Check out the image gallery and show notes after the jump!
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Find Jay and Miles X-plain the X-men on their website and on Twitter.
Jay was previous on this episode and Miles was previous on this episode.
See our other related podcasts EXILED and John Wiki!
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