UltiversalQ 015: The Mutant Trolley Problem

Issues Covered:

  • Ultimate X-men Vol 1 #40-45
  • Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol 1 #1-6

Luke and Devin are bringing together some New Mutants to face problems that were also faced by the old mutants. And then, Doctor Van Damme is here and we can’t really call him Doctor Doom.

Check out the image gallery and notes after the jump.

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UltiversalQ 012: Diaper Van Junction

Issues Covered:

  • Ultimate X-men Vol 1 #34-39
  • Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 #47-53

Luke and Devin accidentally got Bendis to write both Ultimate Spider-Man and X-men this week and we got egg all over our face and now a military ops team is trying to kill our buddy Wolverine and Spider-Man is dealing with girl problems!

Check out the show notes and images after the jump!

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UltiversalQ 011: Geldoff!

This week on UltiversalQ, Luke and Devin are here to catch you up on their lives, and also to talk about Magneto and his dumb plan, Spider-Man, and also Geldoff! Geldoff! Geldoff!

Issues Covered:

  • Ultimate X-men Vol 1 #27-33
  • Ultimate Spider-Man #40-45
  • Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 #1/2

Check out the show notes and images after the jump!

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UltiversalQ 010: Mama McCoy’s Bouncing Horny Boy

This week Luke and Devin are back with Marvel’s Ultimate Merry Mutants as Beast gets catfished, Kitty Pryde joins the X-men, the President visits a murderous town, and Mark Millar sets the X-men against the Ultimates!

Issues Covered:

  • Ultimate X-men Vol 1 #21-26
  • Ultimate War #1-4

Check out the show notes and images after the jump!

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UltiversalQ 006: Colossus Has To Remember Everyone’s Problems

Luke and Devin are back with the X-men who have all been arrested for doing crimes to the government, except for Wolverine who is Canadian and is therefore above the law?!? Also Gambit is here with his love for Oscar winning soundtracks and then Professor X has a son and he just kinda quits at the end. Ultimate X-men!

Oh, and Rhythm Bastard made out new theme song.

Issues Covered:

  • Ultimate X-men Vol 1 #7-20

Other Things Referenced:

Check out the show notes and images after the jump!

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UltiversalQ #004: Giant Man with a Giant Butt

This week Luke and Devin are back as Punisher and Daredevil face down, with a guest appearance by Spider-Man, and then the Sentinels are hunting down mutants and it is up to the X-men to stop them and Magneto and Hank is leaving big poops everywhere.

Issues Covered:

  • Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #6-8
  • Ultimate X-men Vol 1 #1-6 + 1/2

Check out the show notes and images after the jump!

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