Luke and Devin talk about Weapon X (not the Canadian ones), Sasquatch (not the Alpha Flight one) and then actual Namor vs Doctor Doom. Also check under the fold for an image gallery!
Universes and Issues Explored:
Earth-2600 – Exiles Vol 1 #12-13
Earth-1016 – Exiles Vol 1 #14-15
- Earth 12 – Exiles Vol 1 #14-15
Sasquatch is normally Roger Langowski but Alpha Flight is something that I haven’t gotten into.
Luke meant telekinesis not telepathy. Jean Gray and Mimic would float around with telekinesis.
- We have an image gallery! Click through!
Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.
Look! Image Gallery! Images to look at! If you enjoy having this, let me know!
- These aren’t my Exiles at all!
- Look at these jerks.
- Look at these jerks looking at the Exiles
- A nice family moment
- Ugh baby mysteries.
- Look at this almost omnipotent jerk
- Evil Vision is the best Vision!
- Raiding party!
- All kids should run from Morph
- Look at the jerk leveled up!
- Evil Vision wants his damn XP
- “Fine Clairce, I guess you’re #streetsbehind”
- More like DEAD-pool…wait!
- Damn extradimensional rabbits.
- This manifestation of our psyche’s jerks
- Big ol Iron Mans
- Why is Morph a laser? Why?
- Yes, please Evil Vision, stay forever
- RIP Evil Vision
- See you later, Sabretooth
- Doom’s weird face
- #lederhosen
- #DoomFace
- #punchDoomFace
- Mimic, I don’t think that is sincere.
- Newstime, edited by Hulk.
- Hey, a good Professor X bit.
- This is why I sometimes support torrenting. Marvel Unlimited is good but they have limited quality control.
- This is what the page looked like on Unlimited. Now edit it and invite your friends to places.
- #ForceBlastBros
- Karaoke and Crushes
- What are you going to do with all of these robots Mimic?
- Oh right!
- #Ablantis
- Metro? Pietro? Retro? What are these filled with?
- Too Hot!
- Hot damn!
- Amadeus Cho and Hercules (and Kirby the pup), art by John Romita Jr from Incredible Herc #119
- The Aformentioned Cool Story, Bro
- Next week… whatever this is! Magic!
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