Luke and Devin examine two more What If’s starring the first family of Marvel to tie into the movie because showtime synergy! Also Johnny Storm becomes a Mandroid.
Universes and Issues Explored:
- Earth-7712 – What If Vol 1 #6
- Earth-1228 – What If Vol 1 #11
- Devin was referring to Frank Capra who worked with Stan Lee in the war.
- Journey Into Misery’s Fantastic Four Stan and Jack Episode.
Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.
Don’t forget to check out the image gallery!
- This scene doesn’t happen…
- Horrific
- My fanfiction!
- Reed stretching his metaphor
- So Ben didn’t need to be on there.
- The exotic Cockamemy of South America
- Super emotive robot man
- My gender swapped fanfiction!
- Well you can’t have Reed without him being a creep
- At least she isn’t Ultra-Girl
- Best fight with a demon
- Doom is very interested in a threesome!
- A helpful summary
- Dr Doom’s shirtless Reed Richards action figure.
- It’s a reference!
- Keep The FF Away From Kids
- The entire building is my dick!
- Doom Punches!
- Never split the party!
- The Angel Special and the Colossus Special!
- This is awesome!
- God the art in this is great.
- It’s called the Shocker.
- I’m confused on why hitting rubber would knock her out.
- Why not wear nicer armor Reed?
- “Real-Life”!
- Kirby Splash!
- Kirby is here!
- Stan “Dick” Lee
- Doctor Moreau?
- Kirby Machines!
- It’s just weirder with them being coworkers
- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
- Kirby Writing Kirby
- Read the phrase out loud Flo!
- Kirby is terrified about what he did with a shoe.
- Kirby expressions are the best!
- So that’s what really happened to all of those missing Kirby pages!
- Sol looks so weird.
- This isn’t a sex thing at all!
- I’d rather read Marvel Super Villains Team-Up instead of Julius Caesar too.
- Me on the way to get your girl!
- Namor – Cape Game On Lock
- “Why have you done this” “Yeah, you are causing us slight discomfort!”
- “Smilin’ Stan Lee! You won’t smile when you are dead!”
- Namor, Action Contemplator!
- “They’ve both got boners…”
- Ben, we don’t have room for a fighting tree!
- I ship it. Flomor. Na.
- where was this in Secret Invasion?
- I thought it was the Swedes
- I hope Skrull-Sempai notices me.
- “Another psychic insult fish? Let it go!”
- That Sooooolves Everyhing.
- But no Funky Flashman…
- Marie Severin!
- Flo Steinberg!
- Roy Thomas!
- Sol Brodsky!