Luke and Jay (his Pathfinder DM) sit down to go over Mutant X, Havok, The Six, a series of messed up timelines, lost plot points that ultimately ends back where it started. Also the best Cyclops!
Universes and Issues Explored:
- Earth 1298 – Mutant X
- SHIELD stands for Saviors of Humanity by Intervention in the Evolution of Life-form Deviants.
- Vendetta only has an alternate version in the 2099 universe where she eventually became Punisher 2099.
- Magneto had been fighting the Kree, not the Shi’ar but it literally didn’t matter.
- Technically Cyclops didn’t approach Havok with the ship but it is more entertaining in my headcanon.
- Bastion being Cerebro XIII may also be headcanon but otherwise Cerebro XIII has no reason.
- @jaydawson is Jay’s Twitter.
Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.
Don’t forget to check out the image gallery after the break!
- The Six! Murder Smurf, Worst Longshot, Bad Costume Jean Gray, Fishman and Storm
- The general Havok Response
- Assassinanny 911
- more like Hunk-ger!
- Battle Suit FF
- The Pack!
- Alpha Flight
- Which door says “Help” to you the most?
- This is how Havok greets most people.
- Goblin Queen
- Maaaaan-Spider
- thanks to tumblr the words mommy and daddy said by any adult highly disturb me
- You don’t have to live like a refugee
- an appropriate response to the Clone Saga
- Bullseye that is a bad costume
- “And then I also wish to be brought back with my death never actually having been witnessed.”
- They do make a pretty cool couple.
- “And we won’t need to get new business cards!”
- Cerebro!
- Larry “the worst” Trask
- the never explain Ben’s suit
- Firestart and Vengeance and art I like
- Wasp and Stingray and Havok! (And I love Wasp’s expressions)
- Fear The Doctor’s Man-Thing
- Name concepts
- The Defenders
- Havok is worst at low profiles
- The first thing that came to mind seeing Callisto was “she’s too pretty, something will happen to her face”
- and then it did.
- they died shortly after
- Magneto
- “I appreciate family moments, but, world!”
- Demon Sentinels
- You do you Nimrod
- Kurt!
- X-men! (though Rogue should be able to turn off the metal skin but w/e)
- Scott Koblish and like 6 other people inked this issue.
- Goblin Queen takes over
- A rare happy moment.
- Doom has my vote.
- Deus ex Mom-ina
- They never go into Elektra’s past.
- Kitty the Vampire Slayer
- she has her own envelopes
- Corsair!
- Star Jammers!
- So technically Cyclops wasn’t in this ship upon rereading but my version is better.
- Cyclops you dingus
- Watcher has no time for your shit
- Mystique never shows up as Mystique.
- Bye X-men!
- Black Queen Kitty and also Forge
- Captain America, Sebastian Shaw and Sunfire
- Sunfire you dick
- The Six v 2
- Bastion may not be Cerebro XIII but then Cerebro XII like so many things vanished forever.
- Note Gambit’s lack of fangs.
- Pictured: Bastion and Gambit’s brother vanishing forever.
- This is a lie because it is not as good as the last issue.
- “Why didn’t you surprise me more!”
- We all sorta hate Sinister, Alex
- Here’s a story bout Jack and Diane
- Value of goat legs
- Diane wanted to not be a fire-staaar
- Hey it’s the Punisher
- Horsemans!
- Gambit becomes a vampire!
- X-man!
- It’s not actually Jean at your window, its a tree.
- Professor X is a jerk
- Hey Apocalypse!
- Magneto survived!
- Onslaught/Gladiator!
- Psychic Galactus!
- Psychic Galactus Heralds
- Mr. Sinister does look fancy here!
- Cap Nightmare
- Iceman Nightmare
- Bloodstorm Nightmare!
- Gambit Nightmare
- Beast Nightmare
- Magneto Nightmare
- Havok Nightmare
- Scotty, X-man and Raven (last appearances of X-man and Raven importance wise)
- I wanted to do that!
- Verboste ver-brute!
- Cap just wanted to drink alone
- and failed horribly.
- The Goblin Force escapes?
- Ice Man cured
- The Marauders!
- Cloak and Dagger
- The Other Outcasts
- Gambit As A Christ Figure: 400 Words Go
- Cloak-Dagger
- “Isn’t Creed the American president’s name?”
- Wolverine, your daughter got your common sense.
- Wolverine still can’t hook up with jean.
- Vindicator Cyborg.
- Wild Child before his untimely death.
- Iron Giant Man!
- The Avengers!
- Evil Professor X Guy – not named.
- Evil Canadian kill-o-trons.
- Hulked out Captain America
- Moider!
- Beyonder!
- Cap got dusted.
- Dracula you dickbutt.
- Beyonder you other dickbutt.
- It’s Man-Spider!
- Lethal Legion with Gargoyle, Brother Voodoo?, Fin Fang Foom, Moon Boy, Devil Dinosaur, Enchantress? and Slapstick
- Well there goes interesting designs.
- He’s…unsure how to end the series.
- Bye Defenders and X-men.
- Oh okay, so more death.
- “No idea”
- Doom leads the Eternals and Inhumans to a suicide run.
- Eat a dick, Dracula!
- “I just wanted to get home!”
- and we’re back to where Havok started.
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