Luke went to SPX and got some What If Sketches to add onto the Trials of the Multiverse including art from Joe Hunter, Brandon Graham, Spaghetti Kiss, Michel Fiffe and more!
Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.
Featuring Art By
Joe Hunter Twitter: @joe_hunter Website: Ghost Bucket
Alex Kazanas Twitter: @dudeExclamation Tumblr: Dude Exclamation
Space Mousey Twitter: @spacemousey Webcomic: Alastere
Max Currie Twitter: @Max_Currie Website: Max Currie Comics
Kristen Gudsnuk Twitter: @henchgirl_comic Webcomic: Henchgirl
Brandon Graham Twitter: @royalboiler Website: RoyalBoiler
Michel Fiffe Twitter: @michelfiffe Website: Michel Fiffe
Luke Humphris Twitter: @lukehumphris Website: Luke At Sea
Spaghetti Kiss Twitter @spaghettikiss Website: Spaghetti Kiss
Jorge Santiago Jr. Twitter: @jorgesantiagojr Website: The Comic Art of Jorge Santiago Jr
Additional thanks to Ross Scott, Clay Yount, old friends, new friends, people whose names I forget and everyone who makes SPX such an amazing show to go to.
(Post in Progress – Gallery is up Though)
Don’t forget to check out the image gallery at to see the actual art!
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