Luke and Devin sit down with Chuck Austen’s first two Exiles arcs and don’t have a good time due to some racism, some weird sexual politics and the realization that Luke read Mutant X for no reason at all.
Universes and Issues Explored:
- Earth-989192 – Exiles Vol 1 #26-27
- Earth-957145 – Exiles Vol 1 #26
- Earth-616 – Exiles Vol 1 #28-30
- A Chris Sims’ Primer on Chuck Austen.
- That Perry Bible Fellowship strip we were talking about.
- Learn about Moses Magnum’s encounter with the X-men.
- It was Namora, not Namorita.
Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.
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- Business Luke Cage!
- Our Heroes!
- I think this is a pretty cool like up.
- ummmm
- Illyana, good on you for getting the party rolling.
- Happy Japanese people, hopping around, grazing in pastures.
- I remember when that happened! See Rachel and Miles Link!
- Morph lost all of his ability to make good decisions.
- “Hey, it’s your sister. Hopefully she doesn’t kill us!”
- I enjoy his volcano base.
- I like how they have her transforming.
- I just don’t like how they are just referred to as the Japanese. Like, Japanese people at least.
- Moses and Namora!
- Not the time Morph.
- Shnowflahke!
- fuck you Chuck Austin.
- Sure, that’s why your mom called you Moses…
- Tell me about the snowflakes Piotr.
- Fuck you Morph.
- Hatsplanation
- Oh right, that’s why they had to save them. So Wolf Boy could end up killing Maximus Lobo.
- These assholes.
- Yaaaaay!
- they forgot to give Nocturne room to strike a pose.
- Wolf?-men?
- Let’s reference whats going on in X-men.
- Fucking Illyana.
- Goddamn wolf?people?
- Wrap up your two dicks Kurt.
- Only do Fastball Specials with consent.
- Illyana set down.
- Amazing how people love to work with you when you don’t try to stab them.
- Wolf?wangs?
- This car makes no sense!
- A battle!
- Oh god, Sonic the Hedgehog!
- But, we gotta have blue hair.
- How can Morph fly?
- Fuck Austen.
- Consensual Fastball Special
- It’s the only way.
- Sure, let’s go with that.
- Did this get picked up on?
- Illyana just running through soul swords.