Luke and Devin come across a relatively lucky Batman in Gotham by Gaslight, never run from a real fight and deal with a Spanish or French Superman adventurer in Master of the Future.
Universes and Issues Explored:
- Earth-19 (Pre-Nu52) – Gotham By Gaslight, Batman: Master of the Future
- We previously covered Batman: Holy Terror in this classic episode!
- An alternate actual steampunk version of Earth-19 does show up in Convergence Shazam but that is more steampunk than this universe. But those Convergence Shazam comics are great!
Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.
Don’t forget to check out the image gallery below! (and maybe check out our Patreon?)
- Man with guns, man with guns, taking over, it won’t be long
- stop scaring the bats
- Is that a penis in your mouth or do I just have some Oedipal issues?
- The first panel with the character and the point where we solved who Jack the Ripper was
- Teddy Roosevelt Gordon is the best
- Looks like some kind of Laugh Man
- Mignola Mignola
- I like the newspapers
- How did you find my bloody knife collection?
- womp womp
- Mignola!
- Knife crimes!
- “Wow Alfred, you look so much younger after going to jail!”
- Mignola!
- Mignola!
- Oh wait whaaaat?
- Oh ok.
- #NotAllMen
- Good thing you are going to die.
- Bye Jim!
- Swarthy as Bruce Wayne
- Box you motherboxer!
- Julie Madison I do declare
- Jared Leto?!?!?
- Hey skinny guy, good thing you said something so we know you are important.
- look at that spitcurl!
- Dat shadow!
- Zeppelin rides for everyone!
- Murder clown cannon? Sure!
- Kill that cannon!
- Can’t we all have robot pilot friends?
- A solar cannon!
- You’re all just tiny ants!
- Good job heroing Julie!
- Flight of the Valkyrie plays
- Fighting in the rigging!
- I guess that explains everything!
- Everyone is happy when adventures end with makeouts.
- From The Multiversity Guidebook!