Luke and Devin welcome Judd Winnick back to the Exiles for some vampire fighting and some really solid romantic comics with our favorite team of universe hopping heroes.
Universes and Issues Explored:
- Earth-3931 – Vampire Avengers – Exiles Vol 1 #31-32
- Earth-? x3 – Magik messed stuff up – Exiles Vol 1 #31
- Earth-9927 – Wolverine Weapon X – Exiles Vol 1 #32-33
- Earth-3470 – Sasquatch’s Home Universe – Exiles Vol 1 #33
- Earth-8545 – Legacy Vi-Locks – Updated from Episode 23 – Exiles Vol 1 #34
- Magnus was the son of Rogue and Magneto, not the daughter. I was tired and didn’t catch that.
- Links to the Daredevil and Fantastic Four Journey Into Misery episodes.
Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.
Don’t forget to check out the image gallery below! (and maybe check out our Patreon?)
- Why is your costume so bad Polaris?
- Look at these evil Avenger Vampires~
- References to timely but forgotten comics!
- after the Exiles RPG we can’t say much….
- Maybe Magik is just bad at picking up signals?
- Canonically queer Magik!
- When life gives you burnt face, make burntfacenade
- Pose as a team cause shit just got real!
- Banter!
- This ain’t my America!
- whoops there goes another rubber tree plant.
- Cap is good at getting a-HEAD in life! As a vampire!
- Illyana!
- She bursts into flames. Of course she’d be hot.
- Good thing you can pulls these out of nothing Illyana.
- Look at this statue I found at Trader Joe’s and will use for EEEEEVIL!
- I like Union Jack’s costume but I like Jack Staff’s more.
- Morph, maybe you came from a universe where those movies were good but I didn’t.
- Morph is in your nightmares.
- Brother of Michael Crichton!
- Now I will reward you with treasure!
- Good hustle everyone!
- Sorry for the nightmares!
- Wolverine has really thick body hair.
- I like the art here!
- Thing Glove’d!
- Really really?
- It explains how you don’t know you stink!
- Solo adventures!
- It’s like D-Man did a worst job on his own costume!
- Heather how can you let your husband wear that?
- Damn.
- Kiss!
- Awww.
- Fellini reference for you Shannon!
- That’s some Chris Burnham looking mountain stuff!
- I do want to see them at a disco!
- Pausing commentary here because I’d only take away.
- I’d forgotten about this conversation!
- Dang
- Longshotgun!
- Damn Winnick
- Damn.