Luke and Devin discuss two Kurt Busiek What If issues that include a long talk about 90’s Spider-man including the revenge of Harry Osborn, the long death period of Norman Osborn, robot parents as a form of revenge, breaking Spider-man, the Osborn family haircut, as well as a really fun story about Punisher getting the Venom symbiote. Also a surprise comic?
Universes and Issues Explored:
- Earth – 94561 – What If Vol 2 #61
- Earth – 92164 – What If Vol 2 #44
- Earth-NHOJ – what if
Our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan and our cover art is by Kyle Latino
Check out the image gallery below
- We actually did come back from the store
- Yes I’m sure everyone knows your anniversary May
- The old lady is gonna squeal
- Oh yeah!!
- Stop Hammer Time!
- Bonk
- The robot part should have tipped me off
- Reed your my dad?
- Maybe Russia made them robots
- Urich is definitely Iron Fist
- Gonna have to go on craigslist to replace that
- Killer robots always the chameleons MO
- This one’s for hank
- This ones for Hank!
- No one will notice us dressed like this
- You’re not my dad we’re getting therapy
- Pretty sure his parents are shapeshifting but what do I know
- Should have juiced sooner
- Talk your way out of this one Spidey
- Nah I’ll risk the courtroom
- Being covered in black goo wasn’t even the worst thing to happen to me this week!
- The Flubber is mine
- No more needing to do laundry
- Makes you realize how unimaginative Spidey was
- I knew the mask muffles hearing
- Spidey striking fear into the hearts of old ladies of the 80s
- Got your nose
- The look fits me better
- I don’t know his jokes are murder
- The best incarnation
- Like really unimaginative
- This isn’t tombstone pizza
- I have no meaning with out my arch-nemesis
- Damn my title’s cancelled
- What if moon knight made a joke?
- Dogpile
- Bababooey
- I could have sworn my imaginary bullets would work
- Do as I say or I’ll kill myself
- I provide a good health plan and perks package
- Turn the other cheek Spidey
- Like the wings aren’t even lethal spidey