Luke and Devin tackle some Daredevil-adjace What If Stories (and also one where the Yellowjacket dies) and purposefully don’t discuss the origin of cat people in the Marvel Universe. This One’s For Hank!
Universes and Issues Explored:
- Earth-82100 – What If Bullseye Didn’t Kill Elektra – What If Vol 1 #35
- Earth-82101 -What If Yellowjacket Died – What If Vol 1 #35
- Earth 91600 -What If Punisher Killed Daredevil – What If Vol 2 #26
Our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan and our cover art is by Kyle Latino!
Click below to see the image gallery!
- Kingpin or Watcher?
- But you know it don’t matter any way/ you can rely on your murderin’ money
- Bow chicka wow wow
- One million ships were launched
- Daredevil: The Hall and Oates special
- I told you bout stairs
- Is this staining my carpet?
- “I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic”
- This is not my friend’s house! This is not my friend’s beautiful wife! My god, what have I done?
- “Is it nice out here Elektra?”
- We don’t speak of the cat people!
- This one’s for Hank!
- This one’s for Hank!
- This one’s for Hank!
- This one’s for Hank!
- This one’s for Hank!
- This one’s for Hank!
- This one’s for Hank!
- This one’s for Hank!
- This one’s for Hank!
- This one’s for Hank!
- And the $5 Footlong is back!
- Crime blocking!
- Spider-man, you attacked a man who uses guns, what did you expect?
- Poor aunt May
- Pour out a forty for Aunt May
- Good times!
- Spider-man! Spider-man! Escaped from a hospital Spider-man!
- It’s bears?
- Spice-Merchant! Spice-Merchant! Wilson Fisk is a Spice-Merchant!